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About Mt. Hermon Church

The Mount Hermon Missionary Baptist Church organized under the leadership of God Almighty.  We believe that it was God that has helped her to exist this long.


Mount Hermon organized in the home of Reverend and Sister G. H.  Knight in the year of our Lord 1921 with seven charter members who were:


Reverend G. H. Knight     Sister Nanny Knight

Reverend John Cooper     Sister Lucy Cooper

Sister Victoria Nelson      Brother Wright Burman

Brother George Nelson

(later called to the ministry).

The newly-organized church rented a storefront at 20th and Cedar Street and was named the 20th Street Baptist Church.


Reverend G. H. Knight  (1921 - 1924)

Reverend G. H. Knight was the first Pastor.   He served faithfully with his wife, Sister Nannie Knight for three years.  The membership increased greatly


Reverend George Houston Nelson  (1924 – 1942)

In 1924, Reverend G. H. Nelson was called as the second Pastor.  During the pastorate of Reverend Nelson, many souls were brought to Christ.  The church school was organized and the senior, junior and Sunshine Choirs were put in place.  His wife, Sister Victoria Nelson (lovingly called Sister Vicky) brought many young people to the church.  She organized the Missionary Circle.  God truly blessed the works of Reverend and Sister Nelson.  Reverend Nelson served faithfully until his death on November 10, 1942.  Sister Vicky continued in her labors until God called her home to rest.

Reverend Elijah H. Young  (1943 – 1966)

After the death of Reverend Nelson, the church was without leadership, until May 18, 1943, when Reverend E. H. Young was called as the third pastor.  Reverend Young stated, “If I serve as your pastor, we will buy a place to worship”.  Thus, he and Sis. Georgia Young made the first payment to the purchase of the building at 2819 W. Walnut Street (now Muhammad Ali Blvd.) and the 20th Street Baptist Church was renamed the Mount Hermon Baptist Church


Each member gave their best for the good of the church, and many things were added to the building as opportunities permitted.  Under the Pastorate of Reverend Young, the Senior Usher Board, Youth Council, the Brotherhood, Baptist Training Union and the Victoria Club in honor of Sis. Vicky was organized.


Reverend Young was a dedicated servant for 23 years, when as a surprise to the membership, he passed to the great beyond on Sunday, August 29, 1966.


Reverend E.A. Hollis  (1967 – 1968)

The church was without leadership after Reverend Young’s death until October, 1967 when Reverend E. A. Hollis was called and accepted as the fourth pastor of Mount Hermon.  He and his wife Sis. Gloria Hollis served until November, 1968.


Reverend Illinois Green  (1969 – 1987)

Once again, the church was without leadership, until Reverend Illinois Green accepted the call on April 27, 1969 as Mount Hermon’s fifth pastor.  When Reverend Green accepted the call to pastor the Mount Hermon Baptist Church, he observed that the facility was too small and in need of repairs.  There wasn’t much money in the building fund, but Reverend Green and the membership worked together, and as we all know, all good things come from God, and if we obey His commands, He has blessings we know not of.  On November 8, 1970 the Mount Hermon Baptist Church was renamed the Greater Mount Hermon Baptist Church with the dream of greater things to come


In the year of 1971 the church moved to a new facility at 314 South 21st Street and God blessed us to be able to pay cash for the new facility.  Under the Pastorate of Reverend Green we could see God’s hand blessing the church (that He bought with His precious blood on Calvary), both spiritually and financially.  With God as the supervisor, Reverend Green directed the finances of the church.  He and his family gave unselfishly and taught us to tithe every Sunday.


Reverend Green asked that the substantial donation given by the late Sis. Julia Bowman in memory of her husband, Deacon Robert Bowman, a dedicated faithful servant of Christ be included in the history of the church.  Under the leadership of Reverend Green, the Deacon Board was organized, the Brotherhood was re-organized the B.T.U. was renewed, the Buds of Promise was organized and the Youth Usher Board was re-organized.


Reverend Green had a vision of an even larger facility with off street parking and a dining area.  In February 1977 the church moved from 21st Street to 2719 Lytle Street.  God blessed us to pay off the $55,000.00 indebtness in just three years and ten months with a substantial savings and checking account left intact.  A man led by God, Reverend Green taught us to be obedient to the will of God, and as a result we were blessed.


Until the time of his retirement in July, 1987, due to poor health, Reverend Green was a dedicated servant of Christ with a commitment like no other to this church membership.  Many souls were edified as a result of his teaching the word, his love and understanding.  His wife Azzie Green worked by his side teaching the young children and tending to the needs of the elderly of the church.  She was proven to the church as a friend.  Reverend Green went to his eternal resting place December 1, 1987.

Reverend Earvin Sterling December (1987 – 1988)

After the retirement of Reverend Green, the congregation needed leadership.  Reverend Sterling served as Interim Pastor during this time.


Reverend Gerome Sutton (1988 -1992)

In the year of our Lord 1987, God moved through the affairs of his people with a divine call sacred unto his people and a dynamic and energetic servant was summoned.  In January, 1988, the Reverend Gerome Sutton became the sixth Pastor of Mount Hermon.


Under the short Pastorate of Reverend Sutton, many souls were won for Christ, a Chapel was dedicated in honor of Reverend Green, and the Administrative Staff was organized.  A man on the move, Reverend Sutton founded the Louisville Chapter of the African American Think Tank.


Reverend Earvin Sterling (1992 -1992)

Again the church was without leadership from August 1992 until September 1992.  Reverend Earvin Sterling served as Interim Pastor until Reverend Stephen Smith was called in.

Reverend Stephen D. Smith  (1992 – Present)

The church called Reverend Stephen Smith in September 1992 as Interim Pastor.  On Sunday, April 18, 1993, God moved in Mount Hermon to call Reverend Stephen D. Smith as Pastor.


Under the leadership of Pastor Smith, Mount Hermon has developed in staying in the will of God. God's power continues to be made known in the spiritual and financial blessing of His Church.


With God as the Head and Pastor Smith as the Shepherd, Mount Hermon moved from Lytle Street to this new home at 3960 Cane Run Road.  The first services were Easter, 1996.  God continues to bless us with improvements to this edifice as we strive to be:



Bible Based

Holy Spirit Led

Mission Minded


This is the theme that we have adhered to under the leadership of Pastor Smith since he came to Mt. Hermon.  Pastor Smith continues to provide direction to the Mt. Hermon family.  Under his leadership, we have added many new ministries.  We have increased our drive to serve the community.  We have opened the door to the hurting and the disconnected.  We have increased our community outreach ministries. 


We have rebirth our transportation ministry that provides transportation to church services for those without the means.  We have instituted a media ministry that provides DVD and tapes to those who are unable to attend or those who want to hear a service again. 


On July 18, 1999, God did something amazing. He led the members of Good Shepherd Baptist Church to merge with Mt. Hermon Baptist Church.  This was an awesome move of God. It showed us that nothing is impossible with God.


In 2010 we were blessed by God.  We acquired the property on Gerald Dr.  This has given us more space for ministry.  In 2015 we acquired more property on Gerald Dr., and in 2016 we acquired additional property.  We continue to grow under the leadership of Pastor Smith. "Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard nor has it entered the mind of people yet what shall be." 1Corinthians 2:9


In 2013 Salt and Light C.D.C. was launched. It is a community-focused ministry of Mt. Hermon. It aims to provide a holistic ministry to the whole community. It has provided ministry to young ladies, tax preparation, and Zumba classes, afterschool support, youth mentoring, and much more. This is just the beginning of what this ministry will be.


On March 16, 2013, God moved in an amazing way. The membership of Portland Memorial Missionary Baptist Church called Pastor Smith as Pastor. That following Sunday, March 17, 2013, Mt. Hermon voted overwhelmingly to remain with their Pastor. That launched what is referred to as "One Church Two Locations." The two churches have ministered together to reach the lost for Christ. We are doing what we have never done, going where we have never gone, and reaching who we have never reached.


1 Corinthians 9:22; "To the weak we will become as weak, that we might win the weak, we have become all things to all men, that we might, by all means, save some."

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